To improve performance and relevance, our search engine follows specific rules:
· Searching is in boolean mode, which means AND instead of OR.
· Each search term can contain Latin characters from A to Z, digits (0 to 9), apostrophe ('). Quotes (") and hyphen (-) are only accepted as search operators. All other symbols will be ignored.
marc = Match words beginning with "marc" (marc, marcel, marchal...)
"marc" = Match the exact term "marc"
gruau dior = Match both words beginning with "gruau" and "dior" (gruau* dior*)
"man ray" = Match the exact expression "man ray"
nina -ricci = Match "nina" but not "ricci"
· The minimum length is 3 characters for each word, shorter words are ignored.
· Accentuation and capitalization does not matter (venus, Vénus, vénus are similar).
(!) However accentuation counts when using a 3 characters word in search.